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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tips on How to Be a Successful Wife

  1. Always be grateful to your husband. Never ever compare him to other men.
  1. Always be sensitive to his moods, feelings and needs. Always welcome him home  and make him feel good to be home.
  1. Always be cheerful and humorous, smile often, and do not feel shy to be affectionate with your husband. Express your love frequently and creatively first.
  1. Always ensure you serve him the foods/drinks he likes. Eat together as this fosters companionship.
  1. Dress up for your husband at home. Wear the clothes that he likes to see you in and try to be attractive to him all the times.
  1. Do things together with him. Always be sincere in appreciating him, show interest in his day, his activities, his thoughts and opinions. Advise and comfort him when needed.
  2. Show caring and concern for his relatives as this is a sure way of securing a place in his heart and soul. Never object when he spends on them, as this is a source of abundance in provision and increase in life span.
  3. Do not fly into a rage when you have a difference of opinion or he criticizes you. Stay calm, control your tongue and do not challenge your husband's authority at that time.
  4. Believe the best, not the worst about him. Be forgiving and accept apologies graciously.
  5. Always show respect for your husband by not divulging your private and confidential issues to others, or discussing your marital problems with those who cannot really help you.
  6. Last, but not least; remember that your husband is the head of the family and as long as obedience to him does not entail any sin, it is your duty to obey him.
Please note: Allah's Messenger, Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. said: "Any woman who dies & her husband is pleased with her, will enter Paradise''.
[quoted from my reading material]

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