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Monday, September 28, 2015


Rhodomyrtus tomentosa or the Rose Myrtle (known as kemunting in Malaysia) is a woody plant with pink flowers. It is commonly found especially in the open sandy ground on the seashore/river sandy banks. Its shrub is about 3 metre tall. Its leaves are ovate, leathery & about 4-6 cm in length. The fruits (berries) are oblong, topped by persistent sepals & ripening to purple. The fleshy berry is sweet & aromatic.  The plant belongs to the family of Myrtaceae; same family with Malaysian jambu air (Eugenia spp.) & gelam (Melaleuca spp.). The plant is very free-flowering & grows abundantly. The fruits are also can be used to treat dysentery & diarrhoea. In fact, its leaves can be used to heal the wounds.