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Caring, open-minded, sentimental....

Monday, August 22, 2011

What is Radiation?

In general, radiation is a process where energy is emitted by one body travels in a straight line through a medium/space & may be able to penetrate various materials. Radiation can be classified into two;  non-ionizing & ionizing.

Non-ionizing radiation does not have enough energy to fully remove an electron from an atom/molecule. (The examples:  visible light, infrared light, microwave radiation, radio waves & long wave radiation).

On the other hand, ionizing radiation has enough energy to detach electrons from atoms/molecules. It originates from both subatomic particles & the shorter wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum. (The examples: ultraviolet, x-rays & gamma rays; alpha particles, beta particles, and neutrons). It is normally produced by the unstable atoms. This type of radiation can also be produced by high-voltage equipments (e.g., x-ray machines).

Atoms with the unstable nuclei are known as a radioactive. To become a stable nuclei, these atoms tend to give off/emit the excess energy/mass. These processes are called radiation. Radiation can be either electromagnetic or particulate. Gamma radiation & x-rays are the examples of electromagnetic radiation, while alpha, beta & neutron radiation are the examples of particulate radiation.

Interestingly, there is a 'background' of natural radiation everywhere in our surrounding environment. It comes from space & also from naturally occurring radioactive materials contained in the earth and in all living things. 

Neoplasm Radiations are generally classified as ionizing & non-ionizing radiation, and  both types of radiations can cause cancer in the body. Ionizing radiations have been shown to induce cancer in many different species of animals and in almost all parts of the body. Radiations are considered as a weak carcinogen compared to chemical agents and it may take years for cancer to appear with radiation exposure. Non-ionizing radiations are low energy radiations that are unable to cause ionization in tissues but may cause adverse health consequences in some other ways. The non-ionization radiation commonly involves the ultraviolet rays, visible light, electromagnetic fields, infrared radiation, microwaves & radiofrequency radiation.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Senior Ismailian

   August 14th at about 10.00 a.m., I was summoned by a traffic policeman, just in front of USM Health Campus for not wearing a seat belt. I usually wear it when driving but on that time I didn’t because wanted to stop by 2 km from USM. This offence could cause me losing RM300. Fortunately, I did remember there’s an Ismailian friend at IPD Kota Bharu (Ibupejabat Polis Daerah – District Police Headquarters). I just sent him an sms, telling the sad story (at least for me). He answered and asked me to see him.
   Tomorrow morning, I went to IPD Kota Bharu  to see my  Ismailian friend, Police Sergeant Ahmad. He was my 4-year senior. By his kind help, I just had to pay RM120 (Don't be misunderstood about this! He paid directly to Bukit Aman). Thanks again, my friend Ahmad.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Tips on How to Be a Successful Husband

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Tips to be a Successful Husband

1.   Always remember that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "The best of you are those who treat their families the best. And I am the best amongst you to my family". Try to be the best!

2.   Use the most beloved names whenever call your wife. Rasulullah (pbuh) had nicknames for his wives.

3.   Always show your concern, care & love to your wife.

4.   Always smile at your wife whenever you see her.

5.   Hug & kiss your wife often.

6.   Thank & appreciate your wife for all the works she does for you.

7.   Be humorous with your wife.

8.   Spent some privacy time once in a while with your wife (go for outing).

9.   Put morsels in her mouth occasionally.

10.  When come to a decision making, ask her opinion (once in a while).

             [quoted from my reading material]

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


In the name of Allah, with Allah, from Allah, unto Allah, and in the way of Allah:  We surrender ourselves to You, we direct ourselves towards You, we entrust our affairs to You.

Ya Allah, Ya Rahman Ya Rahim.  

Grant us a share in every blessing You send down by Your Generosity.

Bless us and have mercy on our lives.  Guide us to the path that is in Your favour.

Ya Allah, Ya Rahman Ya Rahim.  

Accept and bless our efforts and our works.  Instill in us with hearts that are purely sincere in all good deeds that we do.

Beautify our life with all the good deeds and keep away our hearts from all the bad intention.

Before You, we seek  true forgiveness. Before You, we seek true help.

You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help (for each & everything).  


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Our 2nd Child

   Abdullah Syahiran Arfan bin Abdullah Waidi is his name. He is our second child and  our only son. He was born a day earlier than Maulidur Rasul in 1994 (19th August). After his PMR (Penilaian Menengah Rendah – Lower Secondary Assessment) exam, he went to Form Four at Sekolah Menengah Teknik, Pengkalan Chepa (Technical Secondary School).

   Somehow, upon entering Form Five, he decided to shift to a normal school. He then registered at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kubang Kerian 2 (Kubang Kerian National Secondary School 2) and been placed in a class of Landscaping Stream. Now, he has to study very hard for his coming SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia – Malaysian Education Certificate) exam as he missed some subjects due to different stream that he went through during his Form Four.

   My wife and I as his parents, have always pray for his success in his life……