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Caring, open-minded, sentimental....

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My Car

   After giving  a service to my family for 13 years, 1 month & 3 days, finally my Proton Wira DAH6769 has said a good bye to us a day before yesterday (15 July 2013, 5.55 p.m.). Now, come a turn for Proton Preve’ to service us (starting 23 June 2013).

   I was personally sad to part from this Proton Wira.  There were so many sweet and  bad memories I gone through with this Proton Wira. Everything that comes must go one day whether we like it or not. Our new Preve’ has a Terengganu plate number which is TBK8648….

Monday, July 15, 2013

2nd NaCMeLS: 4-6 Nov. 2008, Kota Bharu, Kelantan

Radiation Exposure & Contamination Rate in Patient Receiving Radioiodine (I-131) Treatment

Abdullah Waidi I, Nur Hamizah MZ, Chen SC, Ahmad Z

(School of Health Sciences, USM, Kelantan)

     To determine the radiation exposure & contamination rate of patients 

      receiving radioiodine (I-131) treatment for thyroid cancer in HUSM.

     The patients were given a dose  of   80 – 150 mCi. The radiation exposure 

     was then measured at the chest and pelvic region of patients at the 

     difference distances (0.5, 1.0 & 1.5 m) and taken after 1 and 24 hours of 

     I-131 administration. The contamination rate was determined at patient’s skin 

     at the same distance as the exposure rate measurement.

     The radiation exposure of different dose ranging from 6–50 mR/h  for

      1-hour and 2–30 mR/h for 24-hour measurements. The contamination rate 

      was 0–48 cpm after 4 hours and 0–14 cpm after 10 hours. After 24 hours, 

      this value was 0–34 cpm.

     This finding (radiation exposure) complied with the Inverse Square Law 

      (exposure rate decreases by increasing the square of distance). The 

      contamination level in other hand depends on patient’s attitude towards 

      personal hygiene.