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Caring, open-minded, sentimental....

Monday, June 27, 2011


This year 2011, I’ve joined my school (Sultan Ismail
 Secondary School - SISS) Ismailian facebook gang reunion,
 twice i.e. on 12th March & 5th June. The reunion was so
 fruitful especially the second reunion. I was reunited with
 my old buddy ex schoolmates. First reunion, just five of my
 batch turned up. They were Fouziah Mokhtar, Marina Abdul
 Manaf (Che Su), Noor Fauziah Ab Jalil, Zakaria Hassan &
 me. I was not their classmate but just schoolmate. After
 the first reunion (my batch & 3 senior batches), I

 managed to get an hp no. for Syed Amran Tuan Long who I
 successfully met him later. During the 2nd reunion (only
my batch together with SIPS [Sultan Ismail Primary School]
 group), I managed to reunite with my classmates in a
 secondary school and some classmates from SIPS. I was in
 SIPS in 1976 & SISS in 1977-1980. Just imagine how long we
 had not seeing each other! Among them (just to name a
 few) were Rosmiza Mokhtar, Wan Ahmad Ikram, Saifuddin,
 Mohd Zawawi, Kamaruzzaman, Amri Harun & Zailan Mohd
 (last met in 1976 during Standard 6; he attended Sultan
 Omar Secondary School) while others went to SISS.
 Following the reunion, I was able to get in touch & met
 with Mohd Noor & Aidil (these two was sent to further
 study abroad after SPM).

 Thanks facebook!

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