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Thursday, September 22, 2011


Mangosteen;  Garcinia mangostana 
(The Queen of Fruits)  

   The height of a tree is about 7-25 meters with a very black dark brown bark. Inside the fruit, there is a translucent white delicious  flesh. The fruit is between 4-6 cm round, with a dark purple/reddish rind. It is multi-segmented, usually with 4-8 segments. The taste of the fleshy fruit is sweet. Its rind is bitter & unpleasant but contains highest concentration of xanthones. The interesting fact about mangosteen is that each contains a type of petals “flower” at the  bottom of the fruit, which normally  indicates the same number of segments in  the fruit. The mangosteen tree takes about 7-10 years to start producing fruits.

Health & Medical  Benefits:
1.       anti aging.
2.       gets rid of free radical.
3.       inflammation & pain.
4.       immune system.
5.       respiratory system.
6.       intestinal health.
7.       cartilage function.
8.       joint function.

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