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Caring, open-minded, sentimental....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


   Have you ever think of what is going to happen to our humanity values in future? Friendship & neighbourhood have gradually declined. We do not bother much about others, as long as we can still survive. The poor & needy are always left alone. The rich & wealthy are always befriended. We are always thinking of physical-material treasure without much thinking of spiritual treasure.

   Let think of these situations:

1. Do we really care of collecting  rubbish on the road & throw it into a proper dustbin?
2. Do we really care to give our way to elderly, handicapped people or pedestrian?
3. Do we really care of our own parents & relatives by visiting them quite often, not only on festive seasons?
4. Do we really care to be tolerant whenever  in crisis?
5. Do we really care of helping our friends or neighbour when they are in trouble?

1 comment:

  1. May I know who you are? Anyway, thank you for visiting/reading my blog.
