Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thank you, Allah.

After working with USM for almost twenty seven years (including 5 years of  in-service training: 15 August 1984 – May 1989), this particular year 2011 has been my lucky year as I’ve completed what every government servant seeking for. This year, I’ve been rewarded with the APC (Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang – Excellent Service Award) by the USM, the only APEX University in Malaysia. For the record; in 1997, I’ve received “Sijil Penghargaan Perkhidmatan 1996” (Certificate of Excellent Service) from School of Medical Sciences, USM. I’ve also received “Anjakan Gaji” (Extraordinary Salary Increment) twice i.e. in July 2007 and October 2010. I got the promotion to a Senior Medical Lab. Technologist (U32) on November 2007. Now, I’m waiting for a call for an interview for Chief Medical Lab. Technologist (U36).

Thank you Allah, Alhamdulillah.

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