Sunday, March 2, 2014

Health Status

   October 2012 I underwent a rubber banding for my bleeding haemorrhoid. January 2014, the bleeding recurred. Then, again I have to undergo rubber banding for the second time. The surgeon in-charge has recommended me to go for a stapled haemorrhoidopexy. The date for this procedure would be on 11 March 2014 & a day before I must be warded for a patient management as usual. Deep down in my heart, I am afraid to undergo this kind of procedure but after some thought & advices from my big brother, beloved wife, relatives & friends, I think I should do it. During my visit to a Surgical Clinic, Hospital USM on 23 Feb., I have asked the surgeon A-Z regarding this procedure. He said normally this procedure is carried out on partial anaesthetic and the patient is given a sedative. It is not a real surgery (open up the cavity) but it just done through anus itself….

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