Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Long Time Illness

   Thursday 27 September, I have suffered again from my long time illness. This time, it was severely bad, lasting for four days. So, on the night of Sunday, I went for a medical treatment at Hospital USM. An examination was carried out on suspected part of my body, and a few millilitre of blood taken and sent for lab diagnostic tests. One of the lab reports shown that my haemoglobin level was tremendously dropped by half of a normal range. Then,  the on call surgeon was called for further action. After some discussion, I was later admitted into the  Surgical Ward. It was about 10.00 p.m. then.

   In the ward, I have been observed very well by  very dedicated staff. Later, the doctors decided to perform a rubber banding on me. I was at first, quite reluctant to undergo this procedure. After a few thinking & some small discussion with the doctors, staff nurses, my big brother; I agreed to rubber banding. The procedure was performed at noon on 1 October and it was successfully done. Kudos to the team!  Somehow, it was a very painful indeed.  Two pints of blood were then transfused into my body to replace the great lost of blood that I suffered for the last four days.

   I was finally been discharged after the medical team which taking care of me fully satisfied with my physical & medical conditions. But that was not a stop! I have been given the appointment for a follow up examination which is Sigmoidoscopy on 18 October. The medical team just want to confirm that the bleeding was not from other part of my intestine. O my God!

 O Allah! Please give me strength to face whatever the examination finding would be. I pray for it neither a very serious medical illness nor some terminal diseases.

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