Sunday, May 27, 2012

Public School Exam

   Nowadays, so many pupils/students score straight A’s in public school examination unlike in the past years. Is this really showed that our boys/girls are clever enough & deserve for that or is this just  a manipulation of the marking scheme? During my school days, the passing mark for any paper/subject was about 50%. It was very hard to see the boys/girls scored straight A’s.

   Private tuition classes, is it due to these? The teachers & schools are competing  among themselves to achieve a higher number of straight A’s achievers. They are doing this without thinking of a nature development of the pupils/students. The good pupils/students are not necessarily must be very high achievers. They must be taught to be excelling in both, academically and spiritually. Some of them are just memorise whatever they have learnt in the classrooms without being able to elaborate further on certain issues/questions. We have seen some of these great boys/girls did not get good results while they were in the university. They only graduated with a just borderline CGPA.  They cannot even think….

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