Monday, February 20, 2012

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

   When the month of Rabiul Awal comes, every Muslim around the globe is busy with the celebration of Maulidur Rasul (birthday of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.). Every occasion is filled with story telling a life of Prophet, marhaban, berzanji, salawat & some food feast. A special parade for this occasion has also normally been organised.

   Not wrong to organise such activities but is it truly enough for us to just remember Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. once in a year while the rest of the year we just forget it? We as the Muslims should remember Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. every second of our life. We also have to practise whatever the teachings brought by him s.a.w. in our daily life. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. was not only a great leader but he was also a super icon that we should follow.

“And We have not sent you (Muhammad s.a.w.) but as a mercy to the worlds”. [Al-Quran, Al-Anbia 107]

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