Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year 2012

Here comes a New Year 2012. Many of us have made a New Year resolution. Are we really serious about it (to achieve it) or just a rhetoric practice as others have it?

The New Year certainly has different & new challenges for us. We have to have great determination & will in order to successfully face it. Only some people normally manage to succeed. In order to succeed, we have to get rid all the negative attitudes of our heart & instil the positive attitude instead and never be give up. For Muslims, we should never forget the help of Allah by keep praying (doa).

We should also be good to other species of the creatures on this only earth (animals, plants, environment etc.). They too need conducive atmosphere for survival. We cannot just thinking of ourselves. We must not to be greedy for ourselves. We should consider that not only we alone live here. Whatever we do must have a sense of sharing with other species of the creatures. We cannot simply neglect the importance of symbiosis & stability of the ecology system. Whatever we have done eventually come back to us.

This year also is very important to my family as two of our children will be sitting for the important school examinations. Our eldest, Sakinatul Aisyah will take her Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan examination (STPM – Malaysian Higher School Certificate) and our youngest, Sakinatul Awatif will sit for her Penilaian Menengah Rendah examination (PMR – Lower Secondary Assessment). My pray for both of them to excel in their exam. Our second child, Abdullah Syahiran Arfan awaits his SPM result.

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