Thursday, October 27, 2011


Soursop; Annona muricata

   The soursop tree is a low-branching & short stalked tree. It can reach a height of 7-9 meter. The fruit is more/less heart-shaped, some times irregular or curved. The size ranges from 10-30 cm long, 15 cm width & weighs up to 4.5-6.8 kg. The fruit is compound & covered with a reticulated, tender, inedible, bitter skin & has pliable 'spines'. Its inner surface is cream-colored & granular and separates easily from the mass of snow-white, juicy segments.

   Soursop is a fruit that has the most delectable flavor. The skin is thin & covered with conical nibs. The white pulpy flesh contains black inedible seeds, and has a sweet & acidic taste.

Health & Medical Benefits:

     1.  A natural killer for cancer cell (able to        
       attack    the cancer cells effectively & naturally 
       without any side effects).
2. The seeds (emetic properties) can be used in the treatment of vomiting.
3. The crushed fresh leaves can be applied on skin eruptions to promote healing.
4. The juice of the fruit is a remedy for urethritis, haematuria & liver ailments.
5. An antidote for poisoning (root/bark).
6. An analgesic & antispasmodic.

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