Tuesday, August 9, 2011


In the name of Allah, with Allah, from Allah, unto Allah, and in the way of Allah:  We surrender ourselves to You, we direct ourselves towards You, we entrust our affairs to You.

Ya Allah, Ya Rahman Ya Rahim.  

Grant us a share in every blessing You send down by Your Generosity.

Bless us and have mercy on our lives.  Guide us to the path that is in Your favour.

Ya Allah, Ya Rahman Ya Rahim.  

Accept and bless our efforts and our works.  Instill in us with hearts that are purely sincere in all good deeds that we do.

Beautify our life with all the good deeds and keep away our hearts from all the bad intention.

Before You, we seek  true forgiveness. Before You, we seek true help.

You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help (for each & everything).  


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