We as the parents to Sakinatul Aisyah were very happy, at least for this moment. Our eldest child, Sakinatul Aisyah has been chosen by USM to pursue study at Malaysian Dental Training College in Penang. This programme is actually run by Ministry of Health Malaysia but USM has been allocated five slots for this. There were only five have been selected out of 21 candidates been interviewed by USM (in the morning of 4th Jan.). These five USM sponsored trainees will be working with USM after their graduation. They will be placed in HUSM Dental Clinic in Kubang Kerian, Kelantan.
Our Sakinatul Aisyah has first reluctant to go & still wanted to finish her Form Six. After had some soft talk with her caring mother, she finally agreed to it.
On Sunday morning (8th Jan.), we left for Penang as the registration was on Monday, 9th Jan. As the USM fully sponsored trainee, our daughter will receive allowances directly from HUSM. This was the first time ever that our eldest child would be staying away from us.
Best of Luck! Grab this stepping stone opportunity to build your excellent future, my Dear.