Saturday, October 9, 2010

1st step into MLT

   Back in early 1984, I've received the letter from USM, Penang. I've been called for the interview for Medical Laboratory Technologist (MLT) Trainee Programme. About at the same time, I also received the interview letter for undergo Teachers' Training Programme and as well the letter for Machinery Operator job at Palm Oil Production Malaysia (POPM) factory in my village.

   First, I was in a dilemma what should I choose of those three offers. They're all seemingly interesting to me. After had a small discussion with my mom & sister (Rohana) and asked for Allah's guide; I've decided to take USM offer. I then did ask my brother Azahar (Veterinarian Doctor) what was MLT all about. He was very happy to tell me the nature job of MLT.

   About 2 months after the interview, I've received the letter from USM. It's good news as I've been accepted to undergo the MLT Trainee Programme. It's  5 years in-service training course. I have to report duty on 15th August that year.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ramadhan II

   Verily happiness will be with those who fully committed doing good deeds throughout a month of Ramadhan. To those who not, they will be very unfortunate indeed….

   Al-Mighty Allah promises us with many rewards to offer to His servants who fully obey His commands, not only in Ramadhan but at all times.

   As a servant to All-Knowing Allah, we must always be sincerely performing our task, no matter the people praise us or not. All praises be to Allah.

   Ramadhan teaches us to be more tolerant, more patient than before. Ramadhan also teaches us not to be greedy and arrogant. Furthermore, we should not be too selfish. We are not living by ourselves but living in a community. We cannot just ignore the poor and needy. We must be able to give our hands to those who suffering…..

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Al-Baqarah: O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, even as it was prescribed for those before you, that ye may ward off (evil); (183) (Fast) a certain number of days; and (for) him who is sick among you, or on a journey, (the same) number of other days; and for those who can afford it there is a ransom: the feeding of a man in need - but whoso doeth good of his own accord, it is better for him: and that ye fast is better for you if ye did but know - (184) The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the Criterion (of right and wrong). And whosoever of you is present, let him fast the month, and whosoever of you is sick or on a journey, (let him fast the same) number of other days. Allah desireth for you ease; He desireth not hardship for you; and (He desireth) that ye should complete the period, and that ye should magnify Allah for having guided you, and that peradventure ye may be thankful. (185) 

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Mom oh mom
you're so beautiful, so great
you're so brilliant, so determined.

Mom oh mom
there's  shining light in your eyes
there's  wisdom in your every words.

Mom oh mom
I'm so inspired of your wise words
I'm so touched of your gentle care
I'm so amazed of your smart action
I love you so much, Mom. 

Saturday, February 27, 2010


   Love means strong feeling of fondness for another person/animal/object or warm interest and enjoyment. Love is something special, unique & most valuable. Love is a great feeling awarded by Al-Mighty Allah to His creature (be it human beings or animals).

   We as human being need  love in our daily life. Do not misinterpret the word LOVE! Love is not only between man and woman, but it can be among siblings, family, human-pet  etc. etc...

   By being in love, we are united in a very tight bonding. We cannot be easily separated. Love too can bring harmony, peace and joy in our life. We cannot buy love with money. Love is  sacred feeling towards each other. As human being, we need to love and also to be loved.

   If we really love someone/something, we certainly care about her/him/it. Love is amazing & fascinating. No single word can simply expresses the meaning of love. Love  sometimes makes people 'crazy' of someone or something. People willing to give away (spend) some money to someone/something they are in love with.

   The great love is to love the Creator of love above anything else.


Monday, February 1, 2010


   This year will be busiest & hardest year to our first child, Sakinatul Aisyah. She will be sitting for SPM Examination. SPM to all secondary school students, is so very  important. It will determine whether the students can pursue a study at Matriculation or Diploma level & as well as Form Six. Sakinatul Aisyah is in Accountancy Stream. She has average level in her study. Hopefully, she will speed up in order to excel in her coming SPM. Aisyah was tested twice before in school examination (UPSR and PMR). She did fairly well in both exams. 

   Do study hard, do study smart, do your best! Best of Luck, our beloved daughter! We do still believe in you.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


   Have you ever think of what is going to happen to our humanity values in future? Friendship & neighbourhood have gradually declined. We do not bother much about others, as long as we can still survive. The poor & needy are always left alone. The rich & wealthy are always befriended. We are always thinking of physical-material treasure without much thinking of spiritual treasure.

   Let think of these situations:

1. Do we really care of collecting  rubbish on the road & throw it into a proper dustbin?
2. Do we really care to give our way to elderly, handicapped people or pedestrian?
3. Do we really care of our own parents & relatives by visiting them quite often, not only on festive seasons?
4. Do we really care to be tolerant whenever  in crisis?
5. Do we really care of helping our friends or neighbour when they are in trouble?

Monday, January 25, 2010


   At last, our son, Abdullah Syahiran Arfan got a place in SMK Teknik Pengkalan Chepa. Today at 9.00 a.m. he registered as a student at SMK Teknik Pengkalan Chepa. His dream to study vocational has now become a reality. He will be learning a Welding & Metal Fabrication Course instead of  his first choice, Automotive. Our pray for his success.....May Al-Mighty Allah guides him in every aspect of life to become a useful person in the future!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


   This year 2010, all of our children are in  a secondary school, no more in a primary school. Sakinatul Aisyah in Form 5, Abdullah Syahiran Arfan in Form 4 & Sakinatul Awatif has just joining secondary school in Form 1.  Aisyah is still in SMK Kubang Kerian 1. Arfan is temporarily in SMK Kubang Kerian 1 after shifting from SMK Cyberjaya, awaits for SMK Teknik Pengkalan Chepa's Vocational Course after finishing his PMR. Awatif is also going to SMK Kubang Kerian 1.

   On 17th January, our beloved youngest child, Awatif  has shifted to a new school, after got an offer from SMK Salor (Secondary School for Special Programme). There, she is staying in a school hostel. Our Awatif somehow must now learn to survive on her own without much assist from us. As her father, I strongly believe that she could.

  When a result came out, our only son, Arfan didn't get a place in SMK Teknik. Now he has to wait for this 25th as an appeal is only opened on that date. However, my wife & I went to SMK Teknik Pengkalan Chepa to appeal and at the same time I sent an appeal e-mail to the officers in MOE (Dept. of Vocational & Technical). May Allah give my son a path to get the place at SMK Teknik. He just loves to undergo the vocational stream instead of academic.

  We as the parents are always pray for our children's success.

Monday, January 11, 2010


   Here, 2010 has come! This New Year has many promises and challenges to offer. The economic situation has greatly down. So do the climate & weather, many uncertainties has occurred. What are our duties to overcome these?  Greediness has caused these to happen. The forest has simply been cut down for timber. The temperature has greatly increased causing global warming. Do we really care about the future of our life on this beautiful planet (earth) or do we have another planet to live on? Same goes to the economy situation. Some corporate & wealthy people only think for theirs without looking down to the poor & needy. All these lead to the instability of our life.

Monday, January 4, 2010


   Jan. 1977, I registered as Form 1 student at Sek. Men. Sultan Ismail, Kemaman. I was here for 4 years. I was in 1st classroom for Form  1 - 3. The life in secondary school was so interesting and enjoyable. I did also excel in academic. Top 10 was my position when it came to exam. My favourite subjects then were Bahasa Melayu, English, Mathematics and Industrial Arts. I became a resource person for English & Maths in the class. Somehow, I did not achieve a relatively good result in my SRP (Sijil Rendah Pelajaran). 

   However, I still capable of pursuing Form 4 in Science Stream. I was in Form 4 Science 2 (second best class out of four Science classes) Again, during Form 4 & 5, I love Bahasa Melayu, English, Modern Maths plus Chemistry. I performed quite well in my Form 4.  Due to some unexplainable family problem, I moved to Bukit Mertajam in 1981. I stayed with my elder sister there. I attended to Bukit Mertajam High School. During my schooling there, my English was tremendously improved. A principal, Mr. Naidu had told me once, 'Whenever you enter my room, speak English. Otherwise, you may go out'.  Although it was a Malay medium school, all subjects except for Bahasa Melayu & Agama Islam were taught in English. In August/Sept., I received a bad news from my family back at hometown - my grandmother (my mom's mother) passed away. I just couldn't return home coz my SPM was around a corner. This news did affect my preparation for SPM. 

   When the result was announced in April/May 1982, I just scored Grade 3 in my SPM. I was greatly frustrated. Since then, I was doing nothing, just stayed at home. My elder brother & elder sister did give me some motivation to resit for SPM. In fact, they  (bro. Azahar & Sis. Rohana) 'sponsored' me. I went to Institut Berakan & stayed with my bro. Azahar. There was no Chemistry class. I had to study it on my own. I skipped Add Maths & Physics then. Finally, I got relatively good Grade 2 for my SPM. 



Sunday, January 3, 2010


I'm really hope that one day I can be reunited with my long-lost friends (primary & secondary schools).....just to share our sweet past memories.... Anyone from SK Tok Jembal (1971 - 1974), SK Sg Tua Baru (1975 - 1976), SR Sultan Ismail (1976), SM Sultan Ismail (1977 - 1980), Bukit Mertajam High School (1981), Institut Berakan (1983); please please contact me! [ /]

Friday, January 1, 2010


   3rd January 1971, I for the first time stepped my feet in a new strange environment - school. It was Sek. Keb. Tok Jembal,  somewhere in Kuala Terengganu. It was the closest school to my house then. My family & I lived in Field Force Police Barrack then. We were among the pioneer family there (late 1970).  I was in Sek. Keb. Tok Jembal  for 4 years. I was always among the top three pupils in every academic examination. In fact; I scored straight (full) A's in Standard Three Assessment Examination.

    Nov./Dec. 1974, my family moved to Selayang Baru, joining my father's transfer there. My father was assigned as an Assistant Investigation Officer at Selayang Baru Police Station then. Jan. 1975, I registered  at Sek. Keb. Sungai Tua Baru. As a new pupil there, I was only placed in  the 2nd best classroom despite of my academic performance in Standard 1 - 4.  There, I did perform well. I was always in number 2 position in every exam, losing only to a cute little girl (if not mistaken) by name of Norasyikin. Finally, I got promoted to 1st classroom when came to Standard 6. I was among the top 5 in every exam. There, I was also involved in a smart  group of investigation known as SJJL (abbreviation of the founders cum leaders - Steve, James, Joe and Lan; nicknames for them). I also had my nickname then - Wayne. Based on my best performance in the academic, I was one of the target pupils to achieve 5A's in Standard 5 Assessment Examination. But it's sad ending as I only managed to score 3B's 2C's - B for Bahasa Melayu, English & Mathematics and C for Science & History. During those days, it's very hard to score A unlike today (the questions were so tough & grading system was so different from nowadays). Only 1 pupil got 5A's, he was my  SJJL's friend, Jamal Hamzah. Our SJJL's friend, Zulkifli just got 4A's 1B. The other schoolmates, I just couldn't remember much! Forgive me for this!

   August 1976, my family  transferred again.  This time, we went back to our hometown in Kemaman as my father had been transferred back there. I continued my study in Sek. Ren. Sultan Ismail. I was placed in the first classroom.

   My favourite subjects in primary schools: Bahasa Melayu, English & Science. 

   To all my former classmates, schoolmates, teachers and school staff; please do contact me at